Live Sound – Reference

My music journey began as an amateur drummer, playing small gigs and shows whenever opportunity struck, to then playing professionally at bigger, better venues. The main difference between amateur vs professional setups would be – SOUND! I remember whining about the experience whenever I played crappy shows. Neither I enjoyed the sound, nor did the audience. And I also remember playing awesome shows in the later years, where both, me and the audience enjoyed the experience… and now that I look back, it was all because of the SOUND!


Live Sound has two major aspects – FOH Mix & Monitor Mix, both being very crucial for the artist and the audience to enjoy the performance. If done right, everyone would be leaving the venue in a happy mood!

Our ‘live sound’ intensive seems like a good introduction to live sound engineering. I’ve been attending almost all the live gigs held by Tri-4 students in the past, and it’s really exciting to be hosting one with my group this trimester. I expect to learn all the different ways of looking at sound and different scenarios in a live situation.

Live sound is interesting to me because it is music, but the only reason why, I think I prefer studio environment over live, is that in live, you’ve only got one chance. There are no luxuries that we get in a studio. The artist has only one chance, and so does the engineer! When it comes to mixing, I’m a perfectionist. But live mixing is not so much about perfection, it’s about excitement and energy! I expect to learn this aspect of mixing live music.

I recently watched a video on YouTube that was related to live sound, where Dave Rat talks about mixing one of my favourite bands, RHCP! He talked about different aspects and ways of dealing with sound in different live scenarios. I was amazed to hear how different it could be to mix a band for a live show compared to mixing a recording in the studio.

I’m excited for this intensive and I hope I come out of the fear of imperfection and become quick and fearless in my actions and abilities till the end of this unit!

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